In the pantheon of Cuban cigars El Rey del Mundo holds a distinguished position, embodying the zenith of tobacco craftsmanship and Royal Series will be exclusively commercialized by the specialized stores of La Casa del Habano .
Originating from the fertile lands of Cuba, this masterpiece is handcrafted, a testimony of the skill and dedication of the appreciated island's cigar rollers. Its medium to full flavour profile promises a sophisticated blend of intensity and subtlety, directed to connoisseurs who appreciate a habano that balances hardiness with nuances.
The Royal Series cigar presents itself with a generous length of 155mm and a ring gauge of 50, the cigar's dimensions are a nod to its majestic bearing offering a prolonged smoking experience. It comes in a beautifully lacquered box, containing 20 cigars each.
Classified under the 'Dobles' vitola, it stands as a beacon of elegance, inviting to the amateurs to taste its complex layers of flavour which are slowly developed over the course of its burn.
- Brand: El Rey del Mundo
- Commercial Name: Royal Series
- Factory Name: Dobles
- Dimensions: 50 ring gauge x 155 mm in the length
- Presentation: Box of 20 units